
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An open letter to Jim Wendler

Dear Mr. Wendler,

First of all, let me confess something: I know virtually nothing about you. I am normally a pretty good researcher; my skills as a small town newspaper reporter occasionally come in handy these days when I forage the Internet for information. I have to admit, though, that I have yet to research you. There is only one thing I have concerned myself with when it comes to you, and that is your 5/3/1 training program.

Which leads me to my next point, which is simply, thank you. The year 2012 was kind of big for me, despite the fact that it did not involve me birthing any more children (there was a time in my life when that was all people expected of me... but that's a different story, for a different time). I say "kind of big" because I finally put myself out there and starting competing. I stepped on the powerlifting platform in October, and two months later followed it up with a Strongman competition. I had a blast at both events and loved every minute of training for them, scrapes, bruises, soreness and all.

But I have to say that without you, I don't know if I could have done it. Sure I have the drive, determination, strength and will to put in the hours in the gym, but without some sort of guidance, a person can get lost. And that is exactly what happens to me. I get too bogged down in the details of things, thinking I need to be pulling cables, standing on a BOSU with a resistance band tied on to boot. It shouldn't be that complicated.

Thank you for simplifying strength and making it something even a stay-at-home mother of 2 little girls can achieve. And I'm starting off 2013 with another 2 months of 5/3/1 before kicking up my Strongman events training in preparation for my next competition on April 6. I laud your program for giving me not only the strength, but the confidence to step into the unknown and start kicking some booty.

Several months ago I looked around the weight area at my gym and realized that I was the strongest woman there (disclaimer: I do train mid-morning during the week when most people are working; who's to say there aren't some strong chicks hitting the iron at different hours of the day; but for the sake of argument, I'm calling myself the strongest woman in my gym... a myth I will later disprove).

It was at that point that I told myself it was time to step up my game. And in came Jim Wendler.

I started his 5/3/1 program last summer and 3 months later went on to hit a 150-pound bench and 275-pound deadlift in competition (my PRs to date are a 165-pound bench and 300-pound deadlift). It was a small competition, but I was proud to come out with the second highest total among the women. Despite the unflattering, uncomfortable singlet required in powerlifting, I never felt more at home. It was like I had found my people.

And then I discovered the sport of Strongman and found a place, among strong women, that I truly belonged. Remember before when I described myself as the "strongest" woman at my gym? Well yeah, myth totally debunked. I had the chance to train with and learn from some of New England's strongest women (check them out here), and let me just say, I was put in my place. I was in awe of these women, of all shapes, sizes and ages, who were just incredibly strong. Strength is one thing that, despite the hours I have dedicated to it, comes relatively easily to me. I know now, though, that I have to step up my game because boy, can these ladies lift!

I closed out 2012 by competing in a Strongman couples challenge with a longtime friend. I competed among heavyweights because of our combined weights, and was finally able to see where my weaknesses lay (Atlas stones and circus dumbbells.... I am gunning for you!).

By the turn of 2013, I was already signed up for my next contest. And December 31 marked the start of the second round of 5/3/1.

So maybe this isn't really a letter to Jim Wendler. Maybe this is me just saying set a goal, find a program and go for broke. When I first started out in fitness years ago, teaching Tae Bo and group exercise classes filled with stability balls and resistance bands, I would have never guessed that I would end up pulling deadlifts like a maniac, hoisting "logs" over my head and dropping giant rocks over bars. But now that I am where I am, I wouldn't want it any other way.

5/3/1, aside from being an extremely simple and effective program, has given me a sense of community, purpose and drive. Come April 6, Mr. Jim Wendler will be right there beside me, deadlifting that car and walking Conan's wheel in competition. Find your Jim Wendler to guide you and kick some freaking butt this year.

What are your health, strength and fitness goals for this year? What are you doing to achieve them?

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