
Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have to say one of my biggest pet peeves is people, at the gym of course, who feel the need to stop you mid-workout to make some ridiculous comment. I'll give you an example... actually multiple examples that involve the SAME guy.

A few weeks ago I was working out my legs. After my warm-up I head straight for the squat rack, slip on some weights and get working. I'm in my final set, 165-pounds on the bar, and I eek out 3 reps. I'm totally fine with that considering I'd already killed 3 previous sets. I rack the bar, step back and catch my breath only to find this older dude standing 2 feet from me.

Still huffing and puffing, I remove my ear buds and wait for his comment. It goes something like this: "I was going to ask you if you needed a spot, but I didn't know if that was inappropriate." I should have told him to shove it, but apparently I'm too nice. I said something like, "If I can't handle it on my own, I shouldn't be doing it."

Some background on the dude: yeah, I had talked to him before. He's told me numerous times he's never seen a woman work out like I do and that he's going to try the exercises I do sometimes, namely single-arm cable rows on the BOSU. He's also told me he's never seen a woman doing "chins" (he's referring to chin-ups).

It's people like this who make other people, namely women, uncomfortable in the gym. I've tried to convince a friend of mine to join my gym, but she refuses, calling it a "meat market." And I don't blame her. Why do men feel the need to single out the women who know what they're doing in the gym? I've been lifting weights for over 10 years. I have a personal training certification and constantly try to keep myself informed of new techniques and exercises. I would say I am more knowledgeable and have better form than 99% of guys in my gym (a ridiculous, made-up statistic, but you get my point).

I say step-off, homeboy, cause this bitch is gonna bring it.

Who out there has had a bad experience in a gym? What have you done about it? 

What exercise have you seen someone do or read about in a magazine that you would like to be able to try?

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